Re: Re: Anyone playing 2.0?

From: Bryan Thexton <bethexton_at_...>
Date: Mon, 10 Oct 2011 14:14:39 -0700 (PDT)

> 1. Add some indication that the first action of the current season has been performed already. I often play for a while, get interrupted, and don't pick up the game for several days. It's hard to get re-oriented especially when an action does not leave an indicator in the saga.

Hmm, first time that's been requested. What's the context? As you know, screen real estate is tight, and it may be easier to add it to advice.

> 2. Have a report (maybe at the beginning of the year's saga?) of how magic was allocated. Same use case as for 1.

Advisors tell you about the more interesting allocations (War and Quests, frex). Is there another one that makes a difference? -------Sometimes it is 'did we allocate any' and sometimes it is 'how much did we allocate?'  Did I pour all three points into diplomacy, because I really want to end this feud all of a sudden, but it is probably a waste of time and resources to try if I didn't max out diplomacy....  Again not game breaking, but a nice to have.  Some button, somewhere, that would let you flash back to your sacred time screen (with sliders locked) would be really handy.....but given the constraints of screen real estate, probably not a huge deal.

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