Re: Larnsti and other topics

From: jeffrichard68 <richj_at_...>
Date: Fri, 05 Mar 2004 17:48:56 -0000

> >> The Larnsti motivations are pretty much up in the air. I do not
> >> believe they are aiming for the return of the pre-pharaohic
> >> kingdom has that has been something that has already happened
> >> while they exist for change.
> > If they are Hendreik's heroband, maybe they are simply the
> > of Hendreiki liberties. Or something like that.
> Something like that. Change for preservation.

So why is a heroband dedicated to "change for preservation" the bodyguards of the Volsaxar kings and the trainers of Andrinic shirereeves ? It still isn't quite clicking for me. But we are on the right track.

> I agree - the dart competition between Assiday and Fazzurites has
> a lot earlier (1605, after the Building Wall Battle), and mustn't
be to
> the detriment of the Empire. There might also be a rivalry between
> Imperial Lunar College of Magic and Moirades' Tarshite school of
> Magics (which accounted for Terasarin's Death, among other feats,
and is
> headed by Fazzur's brother).

Yeah, that rivalry is healthy for the Empire (or so the theory goes), but it becomes unhealthy in 1621.

> > But cracks become
> > visible. John has an excellent thematic idea that much of the
> > future history of DP can be staged in WW. I guess Maniskisson
> > Kallyr don't get along.
> Apart from the Foodman thing, or is this Dragonspear (of RQ2
examples and
> Biturian's story) with the Giant's Drinking Cauldron?

I don't think we know yet, do we?

> > BTW, I have a recommendation - the Maniskisson role should be
> > reserved for player characters.
> While I basically agree, this makes describing the antipathies
> Maniskisson and Kallyr a bit complicated. Unless the hapless
> character is set up to end at odds with Kallyr in a string of

That actually is my idea. Let's call this the "Kallyr skeptic subplot".

> My estimate is that about three to five future Argraths (besides
> and Broyan) are involved in the Siege of Whitewall. Most likely not
> Sharpsword, Enostar Bad-Dream or White Bull, although the latter
might be
> part of the Krise company, if we take that from RQA.

Let's keep Sharpsword, Enostar and Whitebull out of this. Sharpsword is with the Cradle in 1621 (although come to think of it, we might want a Cradle tie-in). Maybe Sharpsword should have a bit role....

> I'll collect a file on the known facts of the Larnsti - we might
as well
> start with them as a model heroband.



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