Re: A stab at the geology

From: Jimbruce <john.hughes_at_...>
Date: Mon, 08 Mar 2004 09:52:46 -0000

> > Could someone who understands geology comment on this,
> > please? I have a nasty suspicion that springs are
> > unlikely.
> Unlikely indeed, but not necessarily impossible.

And that's jest *natural* springs. Take a few tame undines, throw 'em a coin every week or so or give 'em a nice pool with statues and a shrubbery, and water shouldn't be too much of a problem.

An aquaduct isn't out of the question. It will get destroyed or at least dammed and diverted in the first week of the siege, but hey, they're heroes aren't they?

Given the frequently mentioned tunnels, a few deep rain cisterns is very likely.


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