Re: Broyan's family

From: Ian Cooper <ian_hammond_cooper_at_...>
Date: Tue, 09 Mar 2004 15:15:43 -0000

Jeff Richard wrote:
> Here's my concern about giving any children: they might survive.
Thematically it is important that Broyan is the Last King of Heortland. He will do remarkable things and set into motion things that forever change the Heortlings - but his line must die with him.
> This also gives the detachment to take the insane gamble that he
does. There's a great (unpublished) story about Lokamayadon's detachment that I think Broyan shares.
> I like the Year Wives though.

It is also appropriate that Larnsti remain 'unfettered' which could mean no mnarriage bond or acknowledged dependents. Again the link to the Wanderlore rights for adults without children emerges. A year wife is not enough of a bond to break this, but a wife or perhaps children are. This might tie in with Hendriek's successor's being found amongst the Larnsti with this geas the kings would have no heirs to rule in Vingkot's way. Heortlings should have few problems with this geas, dynastic ambitions belong to Emperor's after all.

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