RE: Andrega Silverflame

From: Jeff Richard <richj_at_...>
Date: Tue, 9 Mar 2004 17:12:56 -0800

> > I
> > have Kangarl being allied with Andrega Silverflame
> > (which ties into
> > Kallyr's history - Andrega nearly killed Kallyr in
> > 1602)
> Having looked her up, this is an NPC I really don't
> understand. Way back in 1602 she was good enough to
> make a mess of Kallyr - admittedly Kallyr was,
> according to the new timeline, only 16 at the time.
> But in BA, she's presented as a suitable opponent for
> starting PCs. An base CC of 20W, effective CC of
> 3W2^10 sounds a bit high for PC opposition to me,
> although it is on a par with Kallyr's stats in OiD. So
> which is she meant to be? Starting PC level, or Kallyr
> level? There's a difference!

IMG, Andrega is introduced as a major villain to plague the characters. She is much more powerful than they - and has allied with a barbarian king (Kangarl) to finance and support her heroband and mercenary company. Kangarl has given her rich land in the Nymie Vale in exchange for political and military support. She has been poking around into Heortling heroquests (including the players' initiation rites) and will have a role at WW as a nemesis of the players.  


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