Re: Re: Melisande, Narib, et al.

From: Peter Metcalfe <metcalph_at_...>
Date: Thu, 11 Mar 2004 00:56:46 +1300

At 11:38 AM 3/10/04 +0000, you wrote:

>Me> Except that there's far too few Rokari to actually make a stab
> > at conquering anything in Heortland

>This doesn't seem to have stopped them from taking over the land.

The Rokari have taken over the land? How do you know that most of the Malkioni Knights that have taken over the Kingdom are Rokari? The Army of Tomorrow certainly isn't and comes from Loskalm. Insofar as one can discern anything about the motivations of the Malkioni, the invasion is a pluralistic one.

>Main difference: Rikard is already in the country, doesn't have to
>construct an invasion fleet. The grain barges actually have space to
>spare on their trips to Esrolia, since the Quinpolic trade goods are
>less bulky for the same value. Ferrying mercenaries also saves on
>anti-pirate expenses.

Knights do not make good marines. The fleets will have to have good protection.

>Lots of Malkioni mercenaries (and not too peculiar whether they are
>Rokari, Hrestoli or Neo-Stygians most of the time) from all over
>Maniria sniff the opportunity and flock to his banner.

Which precludes Rikard from pursuing a narrow religious focus.

> > and so the oppressive crusading theory doesn't ring true.

>If Peter had ever read my write-ups, he could have seen that this
>crusader oppression theory (as in Fourth Crusade, Constantinople) was
>meant as a localized event.

I do believe I was responding to Ian Cooper's "Rikard's brand of crusading Rokarism, and religious zeal" and not trying to demolish a campaign writeup that I've never read and have no intention of doing so.

>By coopting the Rokari minority with its strong militia as police

Which makes a great many assumptions about the Seshnegi in heortland, some of which I think are unsustainable.

--Peter Metcalfe

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