Re: Dragon pass troop strengths

From: Stewart Stansfield <stu_stansfield_at_...>
Date: Thu, 11 Mar 2004 11:40:35 -0000

> Horse archers in a swamp?????? I would have put some Darjini there
> myself. Oh well, at least they have a good source of feathers for
> their arrows.

And duckgut for their bow strings...

Actually, I kind of see this as a cordoning force around areas of the Marsh, keeping those foul duckish bandidoes in the stinking place for swarthy, ill-favoured duck hunters to pursue.

IMG at least, the job of pursuing folks *inside* the Marsh is a job for the quislings/quacklings of the giant-beaver riding Imperial Durulz Constabulary (Duke Euglyptus' Own Marsh Wardens), led by the much feared Fearghus 'Black Mac' MacCapercaillie.

Could they show up? They have a good history of patrolling the local waterborne traffic up there and implementing the Pole Tax.

Oh well, I suppose not...


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