Re: Re: Imperial Army ranks

From: Oliver Bernuetz <bernuetz_at_...>
Date: Sun, 14 Mar 2004 09:37:36 -0600

What I'd like to see is a table showing equivalencies, showing what the different titles are from the different nations in the Empire. This rank is equivalent to this rank and this rank, etc. Plus IF possible some sort of generic equivalent title that anyone not militarily inclined can remember.
                                            Commander Titles
                        Squad        Company
Carmania       kethuda        centurion
Dara Happa   decimarch    dedecuron
Darjiin            suvaru          hastundum
Lunar             septon          centurion
Pelanda          motarxus      tetrach
Rinliddi           vrimon         vrimach
Sylila              orshil            shilkot
Generic          corporal        sergeant, etc.

I've got no problem whatsoever with including the lovely colour of the names from ILH-1 but I personally don't want to try and remember what the different terms are. This way both parties are pleased.

What do you think?


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