Re: Clan Ring

From: Simon Phipp <soltakss_at_...>
Date: Sun, 25 Apr 2004 13:20:29 +0100 (BST)


> Can I please have a consensus of thought about Tribal, Clan and City Rings?
> My thoughts are that each district in WW has it's own Ring assigned to the
> most suitable district member with unfilled posts given to a vote
> (Wapentake).
> They deal with situations which effect their District.
> The City Ring positions are filled by the most senior ranking member from
> the
> Clan Rings with the Ginna Jar aspect filled by vote representing the
> collective conscious aspect. They discuss matters which effect the City as
> a whole.
> This is fed up to Bryon's War Ring through the Ginna Jar representative who
> is elected from the City Ring members by the City Ring members.
> Any thoughts?

Further North, when Sartar created his cities, he created City Rings that included clan representatives and guild representatives, This was, I think, considered exremely unusual, otherwise it would have been done before.

Hence, I don't think that Whitewall should have a similar structure as it predates Sartar and would have a more traditional structure. As to what that structure should be, I haven't a clue. Clan Rings only work when there is a single clan present. Where there are more than one clan present, we would normally have a Tribal Ring, but Whitewall is not a tribe. Whitewall is not really big enough that it could not be run without its own structures, so it may be that each clan inside Whitewall runs its own business with the King having his own Ring containing representatives of the major clans.

> So what you are saying is that the citizens of WW have no say in how they
> are
> governed? I know I'm putting my own C21st thoughts on this but I would not
> take it. The Lunar Army on my door and I have no say in what goes on? All
> these
> Warriors not from my Clan taking food from my children's mouths acting like
> they own the place! Violence is always an answer...

Normally, in ancient times, people had little or no say in how they were governed, leaving that to the King and his representatives. Even in Glorantha, the Rings are not elected, merely appointed or have positions that are filled by certain people, e.g. High Priestess of Ernalds. The people have very little say in what goes on.

> However if the citizens have some imput then that would give PC's more
> incentive to interact with the various Clans other than to buy/trade
> things. I don't
> want realism to take too much away from MGF!

MGF is trying to influence the Ring Members to put forward you views. It's called politics.

See Ya


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