Re: A moment of CogDis...

From: John Hughes <john.hughes_at_...>
Date: Thu, 29 Apr 2004 12:36:36 +1000

Gedday Alex

Yes, that's been noted before: see the comment below the vingan at

Normally I turn the rune 45 degrees to make it a 'V'

Vingans as Learner drivers works for me.

Will reply to your previous as soon as I find the right file...



At 03:32 AM 29/04/2004 +0100, you wrote:

>This is a sure-fire sign that it's past my bedtime, and I feel very
>sheepish pointing it out, but rendered in those colours the "Vinga rune"
>looks strikingly like "L-plates". (It took me a moment or two to work
>out that _wasn't_ what they were...)
>'Weni, Widi, Wiki.' I came, I saw, I added to the story.
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