Re: Great Big Gates revisited

From: Joerg Baumgartner <joe_at_...>
Date: Mon, 20 Sep 2004 20:22:44 +0200 (CEST)

Roderick and Ellen Robertson

>> Permit someone working in Anglia (no East or West to it) to use
>> pre-ancient dialects. Or I'll start posting in other languages! (yeah,
>> got a few to choose from...) ;-)

> And this is a threat how, exactly? :-)

It will deprive you of my brilliant analyses, of course. And drive you nuts whether that German language quote contains the God Learner secret or the saga of the last Ostrogoths versus Narsetes:

"Nicht unerw�nscht kam des K�nigs rasch zum Ende dr�ngendem und schonungslosem Sinn die N�tigung, sich seiner Gefangenen zu entledigen: diese, an Zahl fast halb so stark als ihre Besieger, hatten die �berwachung so schwierig gemacht, da� Teja jeden Befreiungsversuch mit dem Tode bedrohen mu�te."

If you manage to find (easy, with Google) and read (now there's the challenge) that source, there is an inspiration for the last days of the siege...

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