RE: Summons of Evil _at_ WW Poll

From: Jeff Richard <richj_at_...>
Date: Sat, 9 Oct 2004 08:34:50 -0700

John's option is humorous but unlikely. Again I am pretty certain that a summons of evil was performed by *the defenders*.

 -----Original Message-----

Sent:	Sat Oct 09 07:04:33 2004
Subject:	RE: Summons of Evil _at_ WW Poll

> Does anyone agree that a poll on whether or not the Bat was summoned
> is a good idea. It is a particular nit of mine!
> Howabout;
> Summons of Evil was Done
> Summons of Evil was Done but Bat not expected
> Summons of Evil was not Done on this occasion
> I leave it to one of the IT bods to sort it out if its a goer!

Technically it can be done, but....

Sadly you're missing an option. If the summons of evil was done, then by whom? John's idea that it was done, but NOT by Broyan and co, looked interesting. I can't say I agree with it, but it's an option. An overlapping option. So that's, erm...

  1. Summons of Evil done by Broyan & co, Bat expected.
  2. Summons of Evil done by someone else, Bat expected (and what did Broyan do to them when he found out??)
  3. Summons of Evil done by Broyan & co, Bat NOT expected.
  4. Summons of Evil done by someone else, Bat NOT expected.
  5. No Summons of Evil.

Though surely we can rule some of those out of court immediately? Who in their right mind would *deliberately* summon the Bat unless they thought there was a good chance of beating it? And who would imagine there was any reasonable chance of beating it?

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