Re: Broyan has enemies...

From: Light Castle <light_castle_at_...>
Date: Tue, 05 Jul 2005 20:45:12 -0400

On Wed, 2005-06-07 at 00:53 +0000, donald_at_... wrote:

> It possible that Broyan could HQ to re-establish his kingship over
> the whole area but it's going to have to be a big one to alter
> the established belief that Ernalda took back the power of
> rulership after the men proved they were unfit to hold it. I also
> have the idea that Esrolia has a much bigger population than
> either Sartar or Heortland so the Queens have much more community
> support.

Yeah, I think that if the Esrolian myth is that Ernalda took power back from the men, then just having the regalia doesn't mean anything. (Although, as you say, it may mean he can try to supersede that with an HQ of sufficient power.)


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