Re: Raids, tactics of

From: Stewart Stansfield <stu_stansfield_at_...>
Date: Fri, 22 Jul 2005 10:10:34 -0000

> Can we assume... the Orlanthi [are] faster than the Lunars?

Yep. In general, the average Orlanthi weaponthane or warrior will have more chance of a relevant movement/terrain magic than a Lunar. There are Lunar forces with pertinent magics, but they are less a proportion of the force.

Frex, Gerendethi, while illustrated by a prominent cult in HQ, are proportionately rare in the Imperial Army, given the political situation in Kostaddi.

It also makes it more 'fun' when the Orlanthi do encounter an manoeuvrable band (e.g. the Black and White Hunt, Wyvern Riders, etc.).

> Can we also assume that as a general rule, the Lunars have greater


> And how about communications? Do either side have a means of
> reporting back to base that's faster than sending a messenger? If
so, how
> common is it?

For the Lunars, have a gander ILH-2 when it comes out. There are some interesting options presented therein, particularly for couriers [er... not least a keyword! :o)] and animal messengers.

And of course, don't forget John's messenger pigeon Wing Commander Coo Coo Cuk, of the 3rd Pavis Airborne!

> How does each side know where enemy forces are in the field?
Purely by
> scouts, or what? "Detect enemy" type magic? Can Lunar sorcery be
used to set
> up a long range "detect Vingan" gadget, for instance? Plenty of
people seem
> to have "detect ambush" abilities, but what's the range like?

The main Lunar military entities (and many more interesting ones besides) possess 'sense enemy' magics, which their worshippers can use as per normal. For range, incorporate the distance penalty for magic (ameliorated by any extenuating circumstances, such as enemy size, defending magics etc.) in any contest.

Heroband and regimental guardian/vexilla lare Awareness functions might typically provide an aiding ability as an augment, and/or work in their own right. They themselves might provide, or act under, an 'umbrella heroband', with its own 'umbrella guardian'. Again, distance will provide a penalty to magical use as per the HQ rules, and Lunar lares are of course open to the Lunar cycle.

Another thing to add in: focus and devotion. While there are many nascent warriors at Whitehall, I am a fan of hardened thanes and warriors being not a little stronger than the average Lunar troop or lower-level officer. Theirs is the heroic culture, afterall (and while Lunars do indeed have many True Red heroes, I'd be a little wary of treading too strongly on the major Orlanthi trope].

With their peculiar predilection toward magical concentration, the Orlanthi will also [I suggest] often possess a magical edge over their average foe, man for man, woman for woman. Lunars can gain benefits from communal observances that Orlanthi do not [ILH-2...], but many Lunar soldiers will not possess the level of devotion and magical competence that a hale weaponthane or his Four Storms will.

However... Lunars benefit from their coordination and cohesiveness in magic and battle, which in the rebel side is a touch... lacking. This is especially embodied in their vexillae, and same's lares. Orlanthi possess a disparate range of magics: powerful but often disunified.

In opposition, the dedicated Lunar regiments are focused and organised, while vexillae allow the Lunars to weld a polyglot but flexible force into a coordinated and cohesive 'combined-arms-and- magic-unit'. This is no little benefit in the field.

To destroy the symbol of that cohesion (the vexilla lare), will always be a pretty prominent goal.



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