RE: Re: Volsaxi clan names?

From: donald_at_...
Date: Mon, 29 Aug 2005 21:36:43 GMT

In message <20050829192109.XEOC23288.aamta09-winn.ispmail.ntl.com_at_homemaster> "Jane Williams" writes:

>I would strongly suggest that for most of the siege, the bulk of the
>defenders are on the mundane plane. Otherwise it becomes unplayable
>for ordinary PCs. Yes, there's a lot of HQing going on. Yes, you're
>in a high-magic area, getting through that barrier is probably easier
>than normal. And by the end, yes, the defenders seem to be using a
>Short World as a hide-out. But for the most part - if the entire place
>is on the Other Side, what are the Lunars chucking rocks at? What's
>that army doing there? Have you shifted the Lunar attackers off the
>mundane plane, too? Where do we stop?

While we've got Greg interested in this, can I suggest we ask him to look over the troop numbers at different times during the siege? That has a big impact on what they are capable of doing.

My feeling is that on the mundane plane Tatius spends most of 1620 encirling the city and cutting off routes into WW. So at the beginning of the year the defenders can get supplies across Fellmoor as long as they send a warband out to guard them. By the end the Lunars are intercepting drultz smugglers in nearby streams which lead to the caverns under the city.

This matches the troop levels we've got and is good for PCs as they can be given the job of finding different ways of keeping the city supplied. A job that gets gradually harder as they get better.

Donald Oddy

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