the fall of Malkonwal

From: Jane Williams <janewilliams20_at_...>
Date: Fri, 3 Jul 2009 17:08:57 +0000 (GMT)

> 23 bodies....

> Pulling a few strands together, then using lots of duct tape: this reminded me of the Alamo (look it up),
> which reminded me of the time that our characters decided to mythicaly re-enact the fall of Malkonwal,
> with us playing the evil horrors on the outside, to overcome our enemies from Loskalm.

> Perhaps the 23 are Aeloians, who decide to sacrifice themselves like Malkion did, and re-enact the fall of Malkonwal from the inside?
> That would certainly attract all the attention of everything bad in the neighborhood. It would be like a 10x stronger call of evil.

And Trotsky's Western stuff suddenly becomes relevant to Whitewall - or does it?

You know how much I know about Western mythology - as presented, this sounds great to me, but I don't know enough about the mythology to comment with any knowledge.

Strategically, though: are we trying to distract attention from what Broyan's doing by attracting Bad Stuff to different bits of the city, or are we trying to hold the Lunars off for long enough for him to do whatever he's doing, and get back? If both, how do we combine the two objectives?

I'm assuming that Broyan's doing something, to fit in with our plans that Orlanth may be Dead, but he isn't in the hell the Lunars thought they were sending him to, and hence can be brought back later. Quite how he does this, I'm not sure. Well, I have ideas, but they're not of general use, and I have players lurking here :(       

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