Re: A quick thought on Scorpion Men

From: samclau_at_9ilRbaUMcs_fiVByiQD7D0uDPrV1AjL9zaUHSb2nhNZvkP0uXAxuhBmXdCf1xpAkZ1yk
Date: Wed, 20 Jun 2007 14:51:33 -0300

>> Considering the main point of males in the RW is to provide genetic
>> variation (i.e. the point of sex in the face of the cost of
>> producing 50%-ish males; I think this notion is now well-accepted),
>> I'd consider that the point of males for scorpion men is to provide
>> a healthy dose of chaotic features.

> I don't think this flies. The quality of offspring is dependant on
> what the queen get's to eat. Smart victims, intelligent offspring.
> The analogue of gene mixing is the variability of available
> intelligent pray.

For that trait, fine. But, organisms have loads of traits affected by loads of different things. I'd go with my idea just because it allows a reason for more silly chaotic features, and perhaps a way for characters to do something about it.

BTW Rory, those eggs...rumour has it that this is a special caste of scorpion man which looks like eggs. They are actually functionally hand grenades, being stockpiled...

I am just starting to get this image of the scorpion men as neonazi extremists stockpíling arms for the day they finally decide to run everyone else out of town.


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