Humakti temples

From: valkoharja <rintasaa_at_Bgn8y1oPIh83_ULseTElCJJ6_4GE1htn3ceawEHGTt4CKLFwW4YhaWVPOp4abGBYlCe>
Date: Fri, 24 Aug 2007 01:25:17 -0000

[Greg Stafford - in a separate thread]

>3. MOST IMPORTANT, even if a court found the case in favor of the clan
>of those cowardly six, the Humakti temple would very likely refuse to
>pay voluntarily, and publicly invite the clan to come and take the
>payment from them, by force (a very common result! There is nothing in
>the code that says it is unjust to refuse to pay.)

What is the status of such temples of Humakt? Are such independent temples found at a chieftains stead, only in tribal areas shared by many clans or even only in cities?

Such unsheathed humakti don't belong to any clan, and only serve the temple... like only belonging to a warband. What is their position in the heortling society? If such a temple is established in a martial clans lands, is there some sort of contract that as payment for the land the humakti of the temple defend the clan's lands, or parhaps provide five swordsmen to serve chief as his weaponthanes?


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