Re: Moon Design Studios blog

From: David Dunham <david_at_oBnxZ8_oU8GdzbgcXoh4lQ2vNMfrk6Stx0wteXo6dDI_HPtZ-9_9QDJZh5QXPC209k0Xrn>
Date: Sun, 3 May 2009 11:10:35 -0700


>One of the core features of HQ2 appears to be that ability
>ratings are relative - not absolute - measures of a character's
>potency in a story. That being true, no two narrators may define a
>"starting character" the same way. In one game they are stick pickers.
>In another they might be heroes - or anything in between. That being
>the case, it doesn't seem to make sense to say that you have to
>achieve a certain ability rating to become an initiate or devotee. It
>should suffice to say that it requires overcoming plot obstacles or
>perhaps a default resistance class for the application contest.

[More of a rules issue, the HeroQuest-rules list might be more appropriate so I'll be brief]

Yes, but:

  1. It's pretty easy to start the game as an initiate.
  2. Character advancement is really a meta-plot -- it's not driven by the same dramatic rules as a scenario. As such, it's nice to have a specific goal. And not being part of a scenario, it would be hard to impose a story-relevant resistance. These sorts of plot obstacles can also be difficult to make interesting for the other players.
  3. I think the "High Level Campaigns" sidebar would cover this. If you want to start everyone as a devotee, feel free! (I don't think it's a common situation, for what it's worth.)
  4. One could argue that becoming an initiate really shouldn't be a contest -- most Heortlings become initiates at adulthood, and while the process is arduous, it doesn't seem like failure is common. --

David Dunham
Glorantha/HQ/RQ page:            

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