Re: What lies beneath Alda Chur???

From: Jeff Richard <richaje_at_j9qXgEUZl0EDyg3CIN2oyN8Si1VK6KcT5QR5Mpx9OevSUtpVgbTRWRMtlazy0H5O39oQ>
Date: Tue, 18 Aug 2009 05:20:28 -0000

> What is the name of the EWF city that lies beneath Alda-Chur? I have Old Salor as a name but I also find both Salor and old Salor in another location in the Pass on various maps and in a couple of accounts.

On Greg's big map of Second Age Dragon Pass, there is no settlement of notice in the vicinity of Alda-Chur. The region was known as Selkos during the Second Age.


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