Re: North, South, East and West

From: Chris Lemens <chrislemens_at_G7fKT1lIOXlsue4aqPS8EMDP05OqsM_ngZEnJ3FyY8xwSkwtKii8VtGDdcDyddke>
Date: Sat, 5 Sep 2009 12:04:51 -0700 (PDT)

> Has anyone ever worked out wholly Gloranthan terms for the cardinal directions, for any culture?
> Not having worked out the languages I suppose they would have to be somewhat prosaic and
> therefore a little awkward.  Still, I would like to know.

Praxians think of west as Little Brother's home. They generally don't think of south at all. The sea is kind of a blank for them. North is where the horse peope live, so it is evil. East is where the Kralorelans live, so that has connotations of wealth and softness. I'd guess that there are at least slang kinds of words for the cardinal directions based on that.

Another important direction for them is Bullward. The direction that takes you closer the the Storm Bull Storm from wherever you are. I guess that they have some word for anti-Bullward, too.

Chris Lemens

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