Re: Caselein ...Issaries goes west in reverse?

From: L C <lightcastle_at_UuJjCKFDRsaBhd6hzLewfzRAvKavG4phW1TGxS4fmfAAjknyDKRqoEoNpbZ8_Oa3>
Date: Wed, 06 Jan 2010 09:28:42 -0500

jeffkyer wrote:
> No, I think there is something did happen in the Godtime and it is
> viewed from various angles. I think it happened in what would become
> the Middle World and hence is accessible or attributable to a variety
> of causes.

Ahh, now that is an interesting idea. So not necessarily an act of "That God" so much as in the purview of those gods so accessible by many?

> Misapplied worship does not quite fit. I'm happy to have several
> different viewpoints (divine, sorcerous, spiritual) viewpoints on the
> same event. I suspect the Dawn is not the only time that disparate
> groups and magic systems have worked together for the same event - the
> Shiprise being a modern case in point.

Sure. The Sunstop seems to fall under this as well. (Hell, so does the Lunar rise.)

> Trade is very, very much a matter of communication and cultural
> exchange as any archaeologist or classicist studying Old World Systems
> will tell you. Possibly at *excruciating* length.

Oh, I can rattle on endlessly about the Three Cs of cultural interaction. (Commerce, Conflict, Congress) (^__^) I don't doubt the connection, I'm not sure keeping them in iron wedlock resonates for me. It's probably a case where I'd throw in some minor gods and let the high god hold both portfolios if I felt it necessary for a story.


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