Re: HeroQuest Questions (I'm sure there is apun inthere somewhere)

From: Jeff <richaje_at_hIEDsw8xKzpd1W4LoR-5xU5YacN7nQDn8GPN9AeSKDPuCH3-E8wr85pzeOlzjz9z-HT4>
Date: Wed, 03 Aug 2011 08:29:50 -0000

> I'm gonna spit out an answer before Jeff explains in in gamese

I'm not sure the gamese really differs from your explanation.

> but have great trouble understanding what this is like from the perspective
> > of the character being drawn in.

Ever have a dream where everything seems to lead you on? Or read a story where everything the hero does drives him closer to his final doom? Where Oedipus insists on investigating what everyone tells him over and over again should not be investigated, or Hjalti suddenly gets the wild idea that he must awaken Bodvar Bjarki? That's what I imagine it is like - a moment of divine epiphany where we find ourselves fulfilling archetypes inherent in the world.
> Is their free will taken over in some way?
> no just weakend

A philosophical question much argued by poets and wizards. One way or another we all play the roles we have chosen for ourselves. Do we have a choice once we are summoned to play the part we have already accepted by our deeds? Perhaps, but only at the price of rejecting (and thereby weakening) who we are.



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