Re: Introducing Glorantha: Interesting facts/geography/eye candy of the world

From: hcarteau_at_p_ZrwFBGnpIsmB3hxI5gO1cWxb4eZqK8cqNQSmUAKsQaf19ZfHrVYAoXqFG8kxXo9BY
Date: Sun, 13 Nov 2011 18:56:17 +0100 (CET)

Hi all,

I'm about to start a Glorantha in a couple of weeks after having just finished HQII.
/// I envy you. Good wind in yours and your players' sails !

 What got me interested in the setting is the unique differences to more traditional fantasy settings. I really loved reading the Glorantha voices. I like how the minor races are really different and alien.
/// What I love most is the subjectivity : there's no "good" and "evil". There's only "us" and "them others". Ours is the best way. The others are misguided at best, demons at worst. The following remarks are meant so, written from a heortling scholar's perspective.

What I know: Dragons are big as mountains;
/// True Dragons are. It's not safe to think about Dragons. They get into your dreams and you go mad. Stop thinking about the scaly ones.

There's a giant dragon skull that you can travel under;
/// I did it once. It's Sha'arzakeel's skull, cleaved by Orlanth the Great Storm God. Under it, the air is colder, the shadows strange and the noises modified. You never know how long it will take to cross under this skull : one hour or one day. It might change you. But it's still easier than crossing through the other passes, with twisting, rocky, snow-covered tracks. Anyway good people don't need to wander around. They stay in their Clan.

dragons dream other dragons that can kill you;
/// Dragon dreams can kill you. You do think and speak too much about dragons. Go work a few hours out with the fyrd (clan militia) to get these strange ideas out of your head.

There's a hole in the middle of the ocean;
/// We don't go close to the seas. The seas once drowned our whole lands, and Orlanth our Great Storm God and his brothers had to beat them back. From this, ennemity between the Storm Tribe and the Sea Tribe remains.

An animal herd herds dumb humans;
/// Praxians would say the morokanth are not animal, they're people. And the former humans they herd are no longer people, but animals. Other humans think morokanths are baby-eating monsters.

there's a "big spike" on the map(no idea what that is);
/// Not sure what you mean here ; is it the Block in Prax ? The Spike vanished a looong time ago.

This Lunar empire(Romans?) empire is visible as a reddish haze.
/// Well, you have to get pretty close to its border to see the Glow Line, a giant crimson curtain rising all the way to the moon. And if you are that close, it means you have probably been taken as a slave.

Could you give me some other fascinating aspects of the world to help interest my players?
/// Glorantha is so big, so developped it's best to play in one specific part. Sartar is very well-developped (two books by Moon Design Corp), so soon will be Pavis. You might also go for the old trick to have players start as cavemen (use the Griffin Mountain setting, from RQ days) or as city boys (and here, Pavis comes to mind again). Once you have chosen your area, we can tell you more !

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