Mystery coders Inc. ?

From: Keith <keith.nellist_at_ZcR8drPHhoU8qXjbP_OP0e5i8kjmhm7uSh0oADIDFLLYnFB01ZXLXKA0xTYdHU>
Date: Tue, 13 Dec 2011 10:53:50 -0000

Just wondering about the parallels between the Lunar Coders and Mystery Inc.

Anyone else see it?

Was it old man Hendrus all along trying to scare people away from the Barracks?

Fred: Count Julan
Shaggy: Maculus the Monitor
Daphne: Princess Andrerida
Wilma: Eslas the tracker
Scooby Doo: Canus or perhaps Nose Ring.            

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