Re: Lunar Chaos Figthing Cult

From: David Cake <>
Date: Sun, 14 Jul 2013 13:31:29 +0200

On 14/07/2013, at 9:40 AM, drscience3000 <> wrote:


>> 	Once Illumination enters the picture, there is no foolproof 
>> way to make that distinction. The difference between a dark side 
>> Illuiminate and  a 'healed' chaotic is subjective. 

> Well, if you assume that "healed"="comes from Natha" and "unhealed"="comes from a non-Lunar source", the distinction is relatively clear. All you have to ask is "is a Lunar source is giving me the chaos".
	The Lunars are aware that even those who followed the true Lunar path as far as Illumination can sometimes fall into darkness. 
	There are well known example (eg Parg Ilisi) of Lunars who are openly acknowledged as having fallen into grave moral error. 

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