Re: Nepotism among the Heortlings

From: David Dunham <>
Date: Sat, 8 Jun 2013 12:43:10 -0400

On 4 Jun 2013, at 16:16, Zachary Kline <> wrote:

> I had a player character who was interested in being cast as the daughter of the current clan chief. I was curious what sort of status would be accorded such a person. The impression I've gotten is that they tend to frown on succession via bloodline. Would the status of a daughter depend on her occupation, or would weight be given to her family tie? I know chieftainship is an elected position, and there is nothing to say the current chief cannot be forced out.

A chief is a thane, so his family surely are thanes as well. If she ever tried to become chief, she would surely be able to draw on family relationships (after all, many in the clan supported her father).

The story potential of her father being forced is awfully high. In which case the family relationship becomes a flaw, depending on what happened. (King of Dragon Pass offers an extensive list of reasons for chiefs to leave office.) And the chief may die in office (KoDP has a long list here too). This may be a mixed blessing for the daughter too.

So if you were concerned that one player would have a much better character than the others, I wouldn't be. (Maybe if this were in Dara Happa it would be — if one character can order around another, it should have player approval ahead of time.)

The Vingkotlings practiced succession via bloodline (at least for kings). I've always figured this is why people were stuck with Bad King Urgrain. (And perhaps why Heort changed things.)

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