shamanic integration

From: David Cake <>
Date: Sun, 30 Jun 2013 12:15:31 +0800

	There are a few references to shamanic integration in the Guide (eg The High Shamanic Ideal is that a person can ...integrate the proper spirits into his shamanic self...). In Hero Wars: Roleplaying in Glorantha, integration was a process by which an animist magician made a spirit become part of an embodied being, such that the spirit ceased to become an independent entity, and became part of that being, generally granting a magical Talent. Talents are still in HeroQuest 2, but are now regarded as something that are innate, gained in character creation (or birth/childhood), rather than something that can be acquired. Rules for animist magic talk about spirits in Charms, etc, but nothing about Talents, which appear now entirely separate. 
	So, if 'integration' is still a thing shamans do, what is it, both in practical, spiritual, and rules terms?

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