Re: Nature of the clan

From: Ian Cooper <ian_hammond_cooper_at_BA_kDR4sQMLhODtDSC0XCaM3S9w0B3YAf7D-MlTESwqL2D82Cv_IO6mXI>
Date: Tue, 19 Feb 2002 12:44:58 +0000 (GMT)

One alternative is a bottom-up approach. We describe a series of pluggable components then weave some clans from them. This gives us time to await a completed clan generator and makes the porkject more generic.

For example we could design X many sample lodges, examples of each size of temple for major gods, X intereseting local features like Tarad Rield (sp?) from KoDP, out-buildings etc. A stead would then contain a number of these low-level components. A clan would then contain a number of steads. We concentrate work on building the lowest level components.

Obviously the missing factor here is
interrelationships and how these elements take on the flavor of the clan. How each lodge relates to the stead and clan that contain it. To get around this containers like a stead or clan description would need to show the interrelationships.

At frist this will produce strange clans, as we will not have enough components (hard to do an Elmali clan, if we only have one Elmali hearth). But as we get more components it wshould become easier to assemble more coherent clans.

However, the advantage, IMO, is that these components are usable on their own by narrators with established campiagns, even if they have their own container to slot them into. And once we have a framework going it is easier for future contributors to add a new element (Add a hearth, or add a shrine etc.)


Ian Cooper

Ian Cooper
07970-411892 (M)
0207-337-6217 (W)

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