Re: Work page, Resource Lists

From: o_leppa <oleppa_at_tuS41tgSdR1PJpPC7OgUjmsVpb-kEuhNlqYMysEX7Z2-6hD9MOscax6ExQN5qaM1Xg5h7>
Date: Sun, 24 Feb 2002 19:18:44 -0000

I have to say that awfully lot of differentiated buildings. That would mean a lot of deeper stratification of a culture that I have visioned. I have thought of Heortlings as people of quite low specialization. In my mind there should only be about five or six types of required buildings which are used in various ways: Housing, woodstorage (it's so important to have proper dry wood to burn), animal barn, grain storage, general storage with various rooms for different kinds of substances (which might be more specialized in bigger steads where an entire building would be needed for meat and so on) and perhaps a some sort of mill. For us it is also the sauna, but that might not be as important to Heortlings.

I realise that all these different buildings don't exist together, but it sounds a bit odd to have weaving houses and such as most of these crafts would be made in housing structures or in open air. Smithing and pottery would require sheds but that's about it.

> Also:
> Brewery/Distillery -- there should be one in every clan, at least,
> what ST says. One in every stead is probably too many.

Why on earth would they need breweries? I can make my ale in a primitive citchen or sauna (all you need is a big cauldron and few wooden things) and that's the way it's been done for many thousand years. Brewing ale is very simple, it wouldn't need a house but in very specialized situation. Every stead definitely makes it's own ale, they wouldn't need a "clan's brewery".

> Mill -- likely at the Chief's stead, but maybe not.

Simple grain mills might be more common IMHO.

> I doubt cloth production would be done at such a level that a dying
> would be necessary, but I could be wrong.

I obviously doubt that too. A very specialized building in my opinion.


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