Re: Area of Steads lands

From: John Hughes <nysalor_at_L-8dL5o-wXyoTE-xs6ErZrqauCC2_zd1Pf-YekO33Drw6nWTzNS7sa72riiBCAvcF9kw>
Date: Thu, 7 Mar 2002 21:30:36 -0800

> Andrew asks:
> > What proportion of the clans lands does our typical stead have control
> > over?

I certainly agree with Nick's comments on this. Lands get aportioned by chiefs to *bloodlines* according to TR, but in practice I imagine a stead with only one or two major bloodlines (as ours is) will 'look out' for the stead's holdings, and will know bloodline members from neighbouring steads with access to the lands.

> (Frankly, I'm annoyed that clan tulas include hunting lands *at all*, but > them's the breaks).

It's a mess, and the published figures don't really make much sense. Hunting lands, and even more importantly, summer sheep grazing uplands, will extend beyond any recognised tula boundary, IMO. I use the distinctions of



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