Re: Clan and Stead Populations

From: Michael Schwartz <mschwartz_at_kMmmYa-l0GJcoWOkz_PdN3nfngwFCI2XrgEaHfLQIUTsp4gN3ZbPMzCTUx0V6iyrxV>
Date: Thu, 4 Apr 2002 01:26:56 -0500

Dougie wrote:

>Is there not room for small one family
>plus all the cows in the same building

Upon reflection, there *is* room for this kind of arrangement, but it would not be a family-oriented dwelling. Hero bands and groups of unmarried men (with kayling bonds formed during initiation) sowing their wild oats might create "bachelor lodges" on the fringes of a stead. We can create those
trapped-in-a-remote-cabin-in-the-woods-when-nasty-stuff-begins-to-happen sort of thrillers... the films "Ravenous" and "Evil Dead" come to mind as samples of wintery and chaotic horrors. :)

Michael Richard Schwartz | Language is my playground, | and words, its slides and
Ann Arbor, Michigan  USA | swingsets. -- yours truly


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