From: "John & Christy Thompson" To: Subject: [The Chaosium digest] Chaosium Digeat v37.11 Date: Tuesday, July 22, 2003 1:37 AM Chaosium Digest Volume 37, Number 11 Date: Tuesday, July 22, 2003 Number: 1 of 1 Contents: * just some Announcements Editor's Note: Just getting some quick, pre-Gen Con announcements out. For those who're going to be here in Indy this weekend, enjoy the convention. For those who can't make it, keep those submissions coming! :-) Take care all. ANNOUNCEMENTS * From Chaosium Gen Con Update Gen Con is almost upon us! Charlie Krank and company will be staffing the Chaosium booth this year. Swing by Booth 1640, say howdy, and pick up one of our new T-shirts. If you can't make the show, you'll have a chance to buy the T-shirts at our website ( should also have advance copies of H.P. Lovecraft's Kingsport for your perusal. We will of course be hosting our annual Chaosium Unplugged seminar at about lunch time Saturday, and our Cthulhu Rally on Saturday evening. This years rally will include a live action game show. (for exact event times, check your Gen Con booklet). To enter the Cthulhu game show, contestants will first have to solve the mystery of poor Dr. Pickman's untimely demise. Would be contestants and investigators should Come by the Chaosium booth and speak to Matt Wiseman or Randy Porter. They can get you started. You must then search the exhibit hall for clues, and deduce what befell the good Professor. A selection of successful investigators will be invited to participate in the game show itself. Fun for the entire Cult! Call of Cthulhu 6th Edition We've sold out of our Call of Cthulhu rulebook yet again! Rather than just reprint the book, we've decided to release a new edition. The Call of Cthulhu 6th edition rulebook will use the layout from the previously printed 20th Anniversary edition. The text of the new edition is identical to our 2001 edition (5.5), so don't expect any rules changes in this edition. The book will once again be a hardcover edition. We expect this book to ship to distributors and retailers worldwide this October. Release Schedule Update As most of you know, our release schedule is as slippery as a greased zoog sometimes. None-the-less, we're moving right along. H.P. Lovecraft's Kingsport is at the printer and should be shipping by the end of the month. We expect to have advance copies at Gen Con. White People and Other Tales is at the printer and should release in August. Secrets of Japan is in final layout, and is currently on track for a September release. Cthulhu Dark Ages is being edited and is expected to release in October along with our Call of Cthulhu rulebook. Other Fall releases include a reprint of our Encyclopedia Cthulhiana and The Yellow Sign. For more info on our upcoming releases, check out the Upcoming releases section of our website. Finally, we've added several new items to our web catalog in recent weeks. We've made a very limited edition of our 20th anniversary Call of Cthulhu available to 10 lucky cultists, we've added several items from Mythos books, including the H.P. Lovecraft Tarot, back issues of Starry Wisdom, mint condition boxes for some of your vintage Chaosium collection including an Arkham Horror box, two T-shirts which will be available at the end of the month, various restocks, etc. We hope you're enjoying your Summer. We are! Thanks for all of your support The Chaosium dudes. -- Dustin Wright- Chaosium Colorado "Leng Embassy" /|\_(@jjjj@)_/|\ 27 Years of Quality Mayhem and still counting Support your local game shop! * Greetings to the Tribe! We follow weeks of inactivity with weeks of constant bombardment! This time, a message (delayed by my busy schedule) from John Hughes, one of the fine folks behind the outstanding Moon Rites fundraiser that came out earlier this year. Take it away, John! Stephen Martin Issaries, Inc., publisher of HeroQuest, Roleplaying in Glorantha P.O. Box 272914 Concord, CA 94527 Phone: (925) 680-8897 See our extensive web site at Mark Galeotti's seminal and inspiring essay from Moon Rites, 'Crime and Punishment In the Empire', is now available for download, printing, and your reading pleasure. It is available in Adobe Acrobat (PDF) format from both the Glorantha website and from the files area of the HeroQuest-rpg Digest at . The article is the result of intense research by one of our most acclaimed Lunar experts, and is extensively illustrated throughout. It's eight pages of crunchy Lunar goodness (and naughtiness!). Mark has given us a foundational essay that offers never-before-revealed, far-reaching insights into the Lunar Empire. 'Crime and Punishment In the Empire' first appeared in Moon Rites, the January 2003 fundraiser for Gloranthacon VIII. The layout of the original essay was marred somewhat by minor printer's error, so we are pleased to make it available in its pristine form. And yes, a few copies of Moon Rites are still available! The file is 3.8 Meg in size. If downloading from the Glorantha site, you may wish to right-click the link and 'Save target as...' rather than loading the file within your web browser. (Mac users, you'll know what to do.) * Hello, If you have an interest in contacting players for Call of Cthulhu then you may be interested in the new Cthulhu Players Directory over at Regards, P. Maclean _______________________________________________ Chaos-digest mailing list