Re: Dragon Pass

From: Stephen P. Martin <>
Date: Sun, 15 Jun 2003 12:56:51 -0700

Hi Chris,

I am sending this to the boardgame discussion list, too. Guys, Chris Lemens has a question:

>I spent part of the weekend playing Dragon Pass with my 10 year old
>son. I don't think he'd ever seen cardboard chits or hex paper
>before. We ran into an ambiguity in the rules, and I figure you might
>know the answer.
>We had lots of battles where he sat in his fortresses and slaughtered me
>at the walls. In the melee rules, (e.g., does the defending
>player only get to attack back with the top three surviving units that
>were in the top three at the beginning of the battle or can the defender
>use the top three surviving units after casualties are deducted, even if
>these units were not originally able to fight?

My understanding has always been that when the defender is attacking in his turn, he attacks with all of his units. When he is attacking back in your turn, however, I would have to read the rules closely. Daniel, got an answer to hand?


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