Fwd: Dragon pass counters - Gloranthaboard question

From: Stephen P Martin <glorantha-board_at_rpglist.org>
Date: Sun, 22 Jun 2003 14:48:50 -0700

Hi Wulf,

> >Oh, I thot the original Hydra article was on the site. The original
> is from an early Wyrm's Footnotes which included a counter for it.
> >Stephen, would it be alright for me to scan the article to send to
> Wulf? Other ideas?
> >Rory's doc was sent to this list by Stephen on the 12th.
> The Excel file that was posted on the 12th was for DP. I already have
> DP itself (Chaosium ed.), my problem is deciding how to represent the
> Hydra's -ve MgF and it's possible responses to magical attack (with no
> Physical Agents or Spirits to destroy with the -ve MgF) with the
> earlier WB&RM combat system (which I prefer for it's simplicity and
> speed).

Daniel, can you just summarize any differences in factors?

> >Ah. Was wondering. I have all the battalia listings from the various
> >Wulf, which WB&RM version do you have? There were three.
> 2nd, bought from Rick Meints.

That would be the digest-sized one, correct? Not full 8.5" x 11". BTW, does ANYONE here have a copy of Third Edition WB&RM? I have never actually seen a copy.



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