Anyone Using This?

From: Chris Ward <cw67q>
Date: Wed Jan 18 10:57:54 2006

Hi Daniel,

I was wondering where you were when everyone else woke up :-)

NG PBEM sounds good. For those of you who didn't play last time around, this was a load of fun. Some reports from the game are in tRD from Daniel, and Robert. I read these again a few months back and they still made me smile.

Best wishes - Chris

On 17 Jan 2006 at 22:39, Goihl & Fahey wrote:

> Waha!
> Back from California. Jetlag almost over. Thinking of Nomad Gods. Soon to be eating, drinking,
> sleeping, LIVING Nomad Gods.
> Intending to use this list for NG notices.
> Will send mighty warriors to fight spam if you need help with that.
> Daniel
> From: Graham Robinson
> Is anyone planning to use this list in the near future? There hasn't been
> an on-topic post for about a year now. I don't mind deleting the spam every
> day if there's a need for the list, but if it remains quiet, I'll have to
> drop it.

Chris Ward
Cancer Research UK Beatson Laboratories
Garscube Estate
Switchback Road
Glasgow G61 1BD
Tel: +44 (0) 141 330 3953
Fax: +44 (0) 141 942 6521

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