>>Best rearguard action I know. They can place one illusion a turn, which
>>requires a stack of 12 CFs to overcome with a 50% probability (or
>>archers). When they survive, they get to strike back. They stop even
>>superhero movement before they are eliminated.
> OK, I never normally play a rearguard action, unless I am being thrashed, and
> even then I tend to attack to get out of situations. That's probably why I
> lose a lot.
Just on that point (not your losing :-), we added a rule of overrun to
get rid of pesky ZOCs that truthfully wouldn't have a snowball's chance:
we experimented with two options -
- if the attacker had an automatic kill then they could run right
over the ZOC and ignore it; or
- if the attacker had a 10:1 CF advantage then they could do the
Either work well in practice, it just depends on how you want to play
the game. Defensive terrain counted of course. This usually meant that
the stack to benefit had a SH in it (who ignores defensive terrain).
What was nice was that other stacks that didn't have a SH often were
ZOCed while the SH went on alone - whoops :-)