On Wed, 18 Jan 2006 10:51:14 -0000 "Chris Ward" <cw67q_at_udcf.gla.ac.uk>
> > > I'd like to limit the life-time of superheroes on the board. Both
> > > and Jar-eel have outside agendas which may call them away. Or
rather, may
> > > cause a delay in their appearance...
> >
> > Now, that's a good idea.
> I've lost the place where it was suggested, but what I think
> wouldn't work is a RET entry
> which removed/added only one side's SH. That would be too
> unbalanced. Both should be
> added or removed at the same time.
I didn't explain myself very well, either -- I agree 100% that both would have to disappear at the same time. WHich is sort of hard to justify in a RET, I suppose.
> > To tell the truth, I played the Pentians in the Balazar game once and
> > massed missile users is really effective. We had a spirit/treasure
that added
> > a missile to every unit stacked with it (does it come from NG or
Balazar, I
> > forget) and we stacked it with the double-missile units, some elves
and some
> > individuals, so we had 12 missile factors in a single stack. Now,
that can be
> > effective.
> Massing them together is the only way for missiles to be effective.
Which is actually something I have never liked. I don't suppose anyone thinks beefing up the Missile Fire Table just a little bit would be out of order?
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