On Tue, 24 Jan 2006 15:00:24 +1100 Robert McArthur <rjmcarthur_at_gmail.com>
> buserian_at_juno.com wrote:
> > Having die roll charts for spirits might work, but easier to just
> > spirit cups. But then, you have to have a bunch of different spirit
> > Either way, it's messy. Limited to only a few scenarios, though.
> This huge difference, IMHO, between DP and NG in game terms is the size
> of the support versus your own troops - the tribes are painfully small
> compared to the enourmous power of the spirits you can find. Now this
> somewhat compensated for by the size and usability of the entire map
> the lack of magician units. I think that bringing such huge spirits
> DP is a very dangerous move without some serious playtesting.
Excellent words of caution. Since I'm one of the primary instigators, I will try to remember this.
> > Well, I am also in favor of limiting the number of normal units that
> > be in a fertile hex, too. I've said it before -- I don't think you
> > reasonably get 10 hexes worth of soldiers into a single 30 square
> > hex (or whatever it is) to allow for anything other than passing
> > Once you're there, even overnight, there just isn't room for everyone
> > all their stuff, at least not in any way that would let even some of
them fight.
> >
> Well, no examples but I one could certainly add to the rules to make it
> less *likely* that big stacks form rather than being proscrictive. For
> example, for every non-individual unit above (say, arbitrarily,) 4 in a
> hex then, at the start of the next turn in the random events phase,
> a) a 25% chance of plague happening that turn in that hex; and/or
> b) a 33% chance that in-fighting takes place and each non-individual
> unit has to roll a 4-6 or be disrupted. The chance goes down to
> with a hero in the stack, and 10% if a superhero. The chance is 0%
> if there is a superhero and best friend [essentially it's the
> of leadership which does this, so Ethilrist==superhero for this
> How would that be?
Um... complicated? _Very_ complicated? :)
> > Also, it has occurred to me JUST NOW that the support rules are a bit
> > whacked, too. You have to have support in a chaparral hex, even if
> > just end your movement there, right. So that means you have to bring
> > entire herd of cattle with you _just to sleep overnight in a hex_
> > you move on? Sounds like myth dictating game rules, which is not
> > the best way to do things. Maybe support should be rethought just a
> I always thought so :-) I just don't know quite how!
My current thought is that support isn't required until the second turn a unit remains in the same hex? Maybe?
> > Sort of, yes -- something to make missile fire a bit more effective.
> > I still favor eliminating missile fire as a separate set of rules,
> > just use one combat results table for everything except Chaotic
> > adding Disrupt and Retreat options to that table.
> I quite like simplifying it as well to one table. Any thoughts on how
> the new table would look?
Nope. Well, OK, some thoughts. Basically, I see two options:
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