Dragon Pass: the Hound!

From: buserian_at_juno.com <buserian>
Date: Thu May 31 03:05:08 2007

Hey All,

> > How do you think the hound works? Does it have to travel in one of
the 6
> > straight lines surrounding the hex it is located in or can it travel
> > horizontally across the board - which would mean zig zagging around a

> > central straight line? I cannot fathom it out. I am leaning towards
> > first interpretation, but the latter would be fine too I think. We
need to
> > agree on it before I act! Maybe you could ask the guys on the forum
> > they read it?
> Always one of the six hex directions was the way we worked. Often meant

> Ethilrist had a long ride for a turn or two to get into position. Then

Yeah, that is one of the limitations of the Hound -- because if you allow it to go horizontally, it will actually be traveling through many more hexes. One alternative suggestion -- you COULD allow the Hound to travel horizontally, but I would NOT allow it to zig-zag -- it would have to "skip" from hex to hex in the exact correct line. Thus, it would move (for example) from Muse Roost (hex 0325) to hex 0525 to 0725 to 0925 to 1125 to 1325 (Smoking Ruins) etc., always "skipping" the hexes in even-numbered columns. Thus, even if there were units in all six hexes surrounding the Smoking Ruins, the Hound would "slip between" them when traveling from 1125 to 1325 to 1525.

Since this has the Hound touching fewer hexes than its standard 1-of-6-lines path, it is probably balanced.

> b****y Keener Than was always there... except one memorable time when
> trashed about 7 stacks including 3 magicians. Those were the days :-)

I have always had a problem with how Keener Than works in Dragon Pass -- I'd have to dig my copy of WB&RM out of the attic, but I seem to recall he worked differently in the earlier version.

> Rob
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