RuneQuest Daily, Thu, 17 Nov 1994, part 1

Date: Thu, 17 Nov 94 09:15:19 +0100

X-RQ-ID: Intro

This is the last issue of the RuneQuest Daily Bulletin, as you've known it. It deals with the subjects of Avalon Hill's RPG and Greg Stafford's world of Glorantha. It used to be sent out once per day in digest format.

It's been great doing this. I received many thanks from people for taking care of the Daily, and playing a minor role in the RQ renaissance. But don't forget: It's you out there who have made the Daily into what it is today.

From now on, you can subscribe to the separate glorantha and rq-rules mailing lists. Information on these can be gotten from

Thanks to you all...

Let's meet again on Glorantha...
X-RQ-ID: index

6917: pyspas = (Paul Snow)

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