Sheng Says...

From: Nick Brooke <>
Date: 20 Nov 94 06:11:08 EST

Kiwi Peter writes:

> IMO The Malign Earth Rune came over Pent via Sheng Seleris. I believe
> that he observed a Pelorian Revolting Peasant Cult of Gorgorma and
> realized that it was similar to a Kralorelan Revolting Peasant Cult.

You seriously think the local people would take Genghis Khan's advice on how best to revolt against his rule!? Because the new way is easier for him to put down!? This is absolutely insane, Peter!!

It'd be possible to say that, at a HeroQuest level, Sheng used a Kralori technique to suppress the native Pelorian cult, but you're never going to convince me he imported a new way of revolting (and Eating Horse) because it suited him better. Who would ever believe him?

And saying "Gorgorma is a Kralori goddess" means that the Kralori, too, have a dualistic Earth Mother whose dark aspect is peasant rebellion and female revolt, not that the World-Wide Cult of Gorgorma (TM) has branch offices on either side of the great steppes.

> (Can't have him losing faith because he's incapable of getting the
> big picture, can we?)

How does this new theory of yours gel with the known fact that Orlanths Adventurous and Thunderous exist as competing cults in some regions? If the deity gives consistent Divination results so as to please all of his competing groups of worshippers and minimise 'internal' dissension, this situation is unlikely to arise.


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