House of Straw

From: Nick Brooke <>
Date: 26 Nov 94 06:24:43 EST

Why oh why is Peter Metcalfe so absolutely convinced that Dendara as worshipped in Peloria is *SO* similar to the wife of the Kralori sun god that only a very recent and comprehensive transplant from Kralorela to Peloria can explain this? Beats me.

> IMO the two cults would be as different as Japanese and Tibetian
> Buddhism and only God Learners would see the resemblance if there had
> been no transplantation since the time you suggest.

Yes. That *is* the current position, isn't it? (Though I would say *more* different than that). Or is there a source of published information about the Kralori form of "Dendara" of which I am unaware? At present we have only the chess myth, which does not turn up (far's we know) in Peloria. Perhaps a skimpy foundation for the vast and unwholesome edifice you have erected upon this assumed identity.

The identification of Pelorian Dendara with the Kralori Goodwife Goddess was made, surely, by the God Learners. They did see a resemblance. They could not have seen the effects of Sheng Seleris' alleged (unnecessary, implausible) manipulation, as by the Third and Fourth Wanes the God Learners were all DEAD. (And a Good Thing Too).

> My suggestion is Sheng transplanted the Kralorelan Farmers Goddess ...
> because the resulting manifestations of >Gorgorma< would be more
> controllable

It is in Gorgorma's nature *not* to be controlled. There are a hell of a lot of Pelorian farmers. And Sheng Seleris knew sweet f.a. about farming.

Think in evolutionary terms for a minute. Given two rebellious cults, one susceptible to control by the authorities, the other not, which of them will survive longer? Peter proposes that a new, easily-crushed rebellion is likely to (1) be introduced by the overlords and (2) replace the more viable native form.

IF Sheng suppressed Pelorian rebellions by Kralori methods, it is surely FAR MORE LIKELY that he did this by the usual HeroQuester's way: using secret knowledge from *outside* a given myth's context. Knowing already how to suppress Kralori revolts, he would apply the same technique to Pelorian revolts: a "surprise attack" from an unexpected direction. He would NOT have to change the whole cultus and belief-structure of the local Earth religion to fool farmers into thinking, "Oh yes, we must be vulnerable to this guy."

> This does suppose that Sheng Seleris had subjugated a potion of
> Kralorela.

Inter alia.

This theory is NOT NECESSARY. It reinforces God Learnerism by assuming there are real, current, alarming similarities between two major deities, about one of whom we know bugger all. If Pelorian Dendara and Kralori <What's-Her-Name> are both "The Good Wife of the Sun God", most God Learners would jump immediately onto the bandwagon and look no further. After all, they thrive on simple parallels and the wholesale cleaning up (or glossing over) of mythological grey areas. (The bastards).

What do we gain by all this? Nothing useful that I can see: a *less* diverse and *less* plausible Glorantha, is all. Please, please stop it.


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