Ghosts, Basmoli & Basmoli

Date: Wed, 30 Nov 94 12:15:04 GMT

Alex Says :

>But seemingly, only people who are Really, Really Peeved (due to being
>killed by treachery, or in a particularly gruesome way, being improperly
>buried (or whatever), or being a particularly vindictive bugger in the
>first place) form as Ghosts.

Since I don't believe that the spirits of the dead go to the spirit plane, I think there is more to it even than that. I have already said I believe the spirits of the dead go directly to hell. Two possible routs to ghosthood present themselves :

  1. When the dead end up in part of hell, on their way to their cult's afterlife, they may try to leave the 'beaten path' and fight their way back to the world. This may well leave them back to the spirit plane, from there they can use the ghosts abilities to manifest themselves.
  2. The dead have no choice but to go before Daka Fal, Humakt or whoever. There they may ask to be allowed to return as a ghost. They would have to make a compelling case, according to the laws of their culture. Perhaps they would only be allowed back if no other recourse to justice is left, eg they have no living relatives to pursue their case.

Concerning Doraddi acolytes, I say :
>> Acolytes would probably be best characterised as 'elders'.

>Mubee, but I'm not entirely convinced. "Elders" would tend to be retired
>chiefs, or Big Wheels on the council of women, I'd think. Becoming an
>Acolyte seems not to be this restricted.

How many ex-chiefs do you think an average tribe has? Is that the only way a male can become an elder? Elders should have considerable ritual importance, because they are closer to the ancestors. In fact, they are the ancestors of most of the tribe. I don't see that being old is much of a restriction.

David Cake syas :
>Allegedly the Godtime is before the Year 1. It is not.
>It is myth, and myth is now.

Seconded. This bogus calendar that is supposed to have started at the 'begining of time' is highly confusing. Whos calendar is it anyway? Theyalan? God Learner? How does it relate to the Pelorian calendar, or the Brithini, or the Kralorelan?

About Basmoli in prax :
> ???? I think that they are no more or less lions than other
>Hsunchen are there beasts. ie when it comes right down to it, they
are >humans, and they believe that they are descended from beasts.

No, no, no. They are beasts trapped in a human body! :) See - with magic they can free the beast inside them for a while.

Seriously, the orrigins of humans are very confusing. We have prety clear myths of the orrigins of the elder races, but nobody realay knows where humans come from. Perhaps they are just what is left over when you take something that has the man rune, and remove everything else.

Experiment - One elf humakti sets off on a heroquest and severs his connection to the plant rune. Result : one human. Likewise with Trolls, etc. Basmoli were probably the offspring of Basmola by Grandfather Mortal, a notorious letcher. I can't believe Basmol fell for her story about her two legged offspring being the result of a wound. What a shmuck! She obviously stole the idea from Kyger Litor.

Simon Hibbs

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