Casino Town

From: Joerg Baumgartner <>
Date: Thu Mar 20 10:04:59 1997

Darren asked about the great debt Casino Town owed.

As far as I have been informed, a certain Belintar, aka _Master_of_ _Luck_ and Death, managed to bust the bank about 300 years ago, and returned annually to cash in his interest, until a certain red-headed lady delayed him indefinitely, in 1616. I don't know the exact phrasing of the contract, and I imagine the bankers in Casino Town will become nervous with now 5 years of accumulated cash waiting for an enterprising Wolf Pirate or a (fake?) Master of Luck and Death to be withdrawn. Did they keep the cash, or did they invest it?

Will they actively search out and destroy any MoLaD which should evolve from the Kethaelan turmoil?

Bye for now, I'm off to Norway again, and will be off-line for two weeks.

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