Baboon bit, part 4 of 4

Date: Sun, 4 Dec 1994 14:43:34 -0500

Who Are Our Gods?
Grandfather Baboon is the alpha god. He is our god, and we are his people. We are bound to him as to no other. No god could tear us from him without destroying us.

     The Seven Mothers are a new and popular cult among us. The Lunar Empire has conquered the whole world, and we may benefit thereby. The soft Lunars do not thrive in harsh Prax, but they can defeat the Praxian nomads. That leaves the greater part of Prax to us, if we can become moon-friends. I myself have become an initiate, and will soon have an iron spear.

What Is There to Do around Here?
You may play with the other under-males when there is food aplenty. Rough and tumble games teach weapon skills, but more importantly teach you your place. When our troop hosts a Lunar, you may learn of the ways of the moon. The Lunars have many amusing toys, too, with which to pass the time.

*Note: this baboon is lying, because alpha males never retire voluntarily. This is a common lie, to get male followers to remain with the troop as long as possible.


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