
From: Harald Smith (617) 724-9843 <"Harald>
Date: Mon, 05 Dec 1994 15:40:00 -0500 (EST)

The primary calendar used in Imther is dated Since Founding (S.F.). This is, of course, since the founding of the kingdom of Imther about 800 years ago by the hero-gods Imthus and Aidea. During the last 200 years, though, the Lunar calendar of years and wanes has come into vogue and most kings and queens now date their reigns using the Lunar calendar. The common folk of the villages typically use dates of either: 1) so many years ago; 2) during the time of Headman so-and-so; or 3) during the rule of a particular clan ruler.

I have typically used either the Theyalan days of the week or the new Lunar days of the week. Most things Dara Happan were eliminated in the two or three hundred years after the Founding, particularly with the revival of the true Khelmal cult following the Dragonkill War. I can picture that the Imtherian version of the Theyalan tongue has applied a few of its own names to the week days other than the standard Freezeday, etc. Khelmal's Day instead of Fireday may be the most likely change and Nealda's Day instead of Clayday. Then again, these words may be interchangable or basically mean the same.


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