lions again...

From: Peter Metcalfe, CAPE Canty <>
Date: Thu, 8 Dec 1994 15:47:23 +1300

Tom Zunder:

Nameless wrote:

>_at_ Well, you're sorta right, but there are also cults that don't have gods --
>_at_ Basmol is dead, frex.

To which Tom replied

>Basmol isn't dead, at least not in Prax, in other places he is.
>Mythology isn't consistent nor is it universal.

I think that what we are dealing here is several lion type demigods who came across the oceans with Basmol. Perhaps they were called something like Mam-Basmol or Pak-Basmol. In time the prefixes were dropped and the each tribe whether in Ralios, Prax, Carmania and Tarien think it worships the Ur-Basmol. I don't know what happened to the orginal Basmol. He went over the oceans and was killed. All we have are legends of a basmol demigod met his death. We suspect that one might be The Basmol but we cannot know which one. All we know is that the Genertelans mostly say Basmol is Dead whereas the Pamalteleans say Basmol is up North.

>_at_ Sandrya tribe. Its ruling family is the Basmol clan, who trace descent from
>_at_ the lion god himself." ... sounds 'real' to me.

>I fuly believe that Basmoli survive elsewhere, often intermingled and cross
>bred with humans. As the Brithini know most 'humans' are in fact beasts
>that have slowly lost their bestial aspects.

The Sandrya Tribe, AFAIK, is also true to its Pamaltelean origins. The Basmoli in Ralios dominated/married into the Sehneslan Pantheon. I think there was the Basmoli caste on top and the agricultural Safelsterans on the bottom. This system was damaged when Hrestol killed Iftalla and collapsed when the Serpent Kings slew Basmol. All through this time I think the Basmoli maintained their ancient ways.

I don't think we need to cite Brithini Racial Theories as to the correctness of this. After all the Pelorians were formed out of clay, the Agimori formed from 43 materials, the Blues descended from Artmal and the Kralori descended (I think) from Vithaelan demigods. That's more than half the humans in the world so far...

>Theyalans have also propounded
>the view that hsunchen acquire the traits of their animal counterparts,
>thru a magical intermingling and true cross breeding, a Telmori can bear
>human and wolf cubs, as can a Telmor wolf.

The Shape of the offspring really depends on what form the mother has when the child is born IMO. ie if a telmor is carrying a cub and it is born on Wildsday, then the cub becomes a brother wolf. Thus the Telmori have a higher proportion of brother animals than do other hsunchen.

>Basmoli in Ralios have no contact with lions and may have become civilised,

Sandy wrote in a past issue of the digest (henks) that there are no Lions in Prax except for sterile male ones produced by the Basmoli themselves. I don't know if there are lions in Ralios as of now. The Ralian Basmoli who have become civilized can still worship Basmol. There is after all the Grandfather Loon Society in Ralios.

>As to whether Hsunchen humans are bestial humans or human beasts is just one
>of those lovely unanswerable questions that we must never look to resolve.

I think that when a shaman looks at a hsunchen, he will see the spirit of that beasts totem. Of course it won't work for a normal Second Sight or Mystic Vision. I further think that the beastpeople and the Hsunchen are of different origins. IMO the Hsunchen are actually tribes of people created by Spiritual Totems in reaction to some crisis (ie the need for fire). The beastpeople are remants of a day when intercourse between humans and beasts was actually fertile. Only the Broos have an indication of the fertility power in those days and they require the use of chaos to support/pervert it.

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