The traditional ritual Sandy followup.

From: Alex Ferguson <>
Date: Thu, 15 Dec 94 21:29:24 GMT

Sandy persists in complaining about my reporting of (highly modest) theories about the "anti-incest" behaviour of booting out maturing males:
> The male, desiring control over his harem, boots out the
> young males as soon as they are mature enough to trigger his
> anti-other-male instinct.

This is certainly the real _behavioural_ reason, but that's beside the point. Unless you're saying that there is no decrease in the numbers of incestuous matings, or that incest isn't at all genetically hazardous, then it is an evolutionary benefit by this means. If I track down an espouser of this theory, I'll let you fight it out to the death with him...

Believing in "evolutionary reasons" in the first place is a fine example of spuriously post hoc ergo propter hoc reasoning, in any case.

> GIFT: "I swear to kill Alex Ferguson, root and branch." Humakt then
> helps you at your task, which is certain to succeed.


> GIFT: My sword always guides me towards Alex Ferguson and his minions.

I think I've just been made a (running) example of...

I'd expect these Heavy Hitter geasa/gifts would need to be HQ'd for. (I know, that's an injunction so vague as to merit somes of Sandy's Gifts being enacted on me...) Perhaps some sort of "oppositional" quest, against either the person concerned, or his "office", cult role, etc. If only to cut down on the numbers of Humakti suicide car-bombers. Or maybe paranoia on my part...


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