Re: Glorantha's Rivals

From: Sandy Petersen <>
Date: Fri, 16 Dec 94 11:54:37 -0600

>Can you tell a Glorantha fanatic (also known as a Greggite) from a

>devotee of Tolkien's Middle-earth, a fan of Tekumel, a Cthulhu
>Mythos scholar, an expert on World of Two Moons and a Trekkie from
>each other

        Tolkien's Middle Earth Devotee -- tend to be more interested in people and characters than cultures. Also the ones I've met are not particularly interested in creating new stuff or extrapolating so much as rehashing old stuff.

        A fan of Tekumel -- Nope. Can't tell them apart from Gloranthaphiles. Sorry.

        A Cthulhu Mythos Scholar -- much more willing to make up connections and invent stuff out of whole cloth than are most Gloranthaphiles. who generally require at least a shred of evidence before they proceed.

        An Expert on World of Two Moons -- Gloranthaphiles are (A) older and (B) don't do Howls. Also we're more cynical and hard-bitten.

        A Trekkie -- Trekkies want to _live_ in their universe and act out the Star Trek enlightened-fascist world-view. Gloranthaphiles don't.

> How many play RUNEQUEST in Glorantha?

        Me, for one. I also occasionally play RuneQuest in Tekumel. Or rather, a simplified, rather Cthulhuesque RuneQuest.

Alex F.
>I'd expect these Heavy Hitter geasa/gifts [like "I swear to kill
>Alex F., root and branch"] would need to be HQ'd for.

        I think so, too.Maybe you have to go out and prove that the guy is dishonorable in some way, like getting him to kill an unarmed next-of-kin of yours or something.         

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